The premier of ballet Carmen in Antalya.

On May 11, 2023, the premiere of the new ballet “Carmen” staged by Konstantin Uralsky took place at the State Opera and Ballet Theater in Antalya, Turkey. For this performance, a wonderful musician, conductor and director Hakan Kalkan, together with the choreographer, created a new edition of the score by J. Bizet for a ballet in two acts. The wonderful troupe of the Antalya State Ballet fired up the stage with their emotions. The audience received the performance with a standing ovation and incessant shouts of “bravo”.


Congratulations to everyone who created this,ballet production, together with choreographer Uralsky: Gyurjan Kibilai - set design, Gazal Erten - costumes, Mustafa Eski - lighting, ballet dancers, orchestra, tutors, craftsmen who created the scenery and costumes, all technical staff